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mangoo I/O comes with a pre-configured application cache powered by Caffeine. To utilize caching in your application, inject the Cache class:

private Cache cache;

Cache Operations

The Cache class provides essential functions for managing cached values, including adding, retrieving, and removing entries.

Adding a Value to the Cache

cache.put("foo", "bar");

Retrieving a Cached Value

String value = cache.get("foo");

Removing a Value from the Cache


Cache Expiration

Cached entries expire 30 days after the last access. If a value is neither read nor updated within this period, it will be automatically evicted.

Using a Fallback Method

In addition to standard cache operations, you can use a get call with a fallback method:

String value = cache.get("foo", v -> getValue());

If the key "foo" exists in the cache, its value is returned. If not, the fallback method getValue() is invoked, its return value is cached under the key "foo", and then returned.